

She was a student, like you and me,
she was twenty or twenty one, she might be.
Was it Delhi,or Kolkata, or was it Bangalore?
Doesn’t matter, it might also be Chennai or at Mangalore.
Places may differ, scenario is the same.
It’s always been the same, at any place you name.

It was cold, it was dark, lurking shadows followed her,
She pulled her coverings closer unknowingly in fear.
She prayed and prayed, but like Medusa at Athena’s court,
she ran from pillar to post, but found no support.
The avatars of demon himself, on her body fest,
there wasn’t a single covering left on her,unengulfed or undigest.
Torture,Rape and Torture again;
she moaned and groaned in infernal pain.
But not a good soul to help her,
no one to dress her torn or tear.

Next morning, she was found, half alive, half dead,
animals,beasts, monsters, on her bosom fed.
People talked about her shorts and dress,
but no one bothered to clear her mess.
She was judged, she was blamed,
but free were the demons, those were to be ashamed.

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